Monday, May 21, 2012

Attendin' Harvard

Surprisingly, Jesse Camp got accepted to Harvard University Law School to further his prep school education.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Habitatin' for Humanity

Jesse Camp helping out with Habitat for Humanity
Even annoying folks can contribute to society!


Jesse Camp telemarketing
Another real one! According to Wikipedia: "In 2008 he began working for a firm called 'Telefund' as a caller, raising money for non-profit liberal and progressive organizations."

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Stuck in the 90s

Jesse Camp is stuck in the 90s
Jesse Camp never really left the 90s. He's still stuck there.

Appliyin' at Hot Topic

Jesse Camp at Hot Topic
Throughout the years, Jesse Camp has submitted his application to various Hot Topic stores, but they always told him he had no discernible talents.

Judgin' some American Idol

Jesse Camp on American Idol
In a desperate attempt to boost sagging ratings, American Idol brings Jesse Camp on a judge for the upcoming season.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Workin' at a pet store

Jesse Camp at a pet store
Yes, Jesse Camp did, in fact, work at a pet store. (This one is real!)

Chillin' at the garbage dump

Jesse Camp at the garbage dump
The streets weren't real enough, so Jesse Camp often likes to keep it REALLY real by chillin' and sleepin' at the garbage jump.

Representin' at the House

Jesse Camp in Congress
Jesse Camp always enjoyed representin' at the US Congress.

Goin' to McDonalds

Jesse Camp at McDonalds
For about two years, Jesse Camp went to his job at McDonalds every day.